Chronic Pain
Alida Deligeorges

Feeling Stressed? EFT Tapping To The Rescue!

The recent stress of COVID-19 that has swept across the world has left many feeling anxious and full of fear. It’s hard to know how to process these emotions, let alone function with them, or best how to get rid

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Autoimmune Disorders
Alida Deligeorges

Childhood Experiences: They Make Us Who We Are

The term ‘Adverse Childhood Experience’ or simply ‘ACEs’ refers to a range of negative situations a child may face or witness throughout their childhood and before the age of 18. ACEs can impact kids’ health and well-being, and they can have long-term

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Mood Disorders
Alida Deligeorges

Anger Management – 10 Tips To Calm Your Temper

Have you noticed yourself being more snappy than normal, getting irritated at the drop of a hat at even the smallest things? The emotional strain of the current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people on levels they have not encountered before

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Mind Body & Spirit
Alida Deligeorges

How Are You Today?

If you’ve felt off lately, you’re not alone. I feel it too. I don’t think there is a person out there who is coping well with this new lifestyle and situation. As we navigate through our new normal of a

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Mood Disorders
Alida Deligeorges

Grief & Loss – The Hardest Life Lessons

  In this lifetime, we are all destined to cope with grief – some people more than others to be fair. As I write this article, I myself am experiencing grief as I watch my mother slowly pass, primarily of

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